Everything in this recipe can be subbed for #vegan products. I still can’t find vegan butter sticks at the local grocery store. I will admit, it’s still hard to have #vegancheese ; we‘re not there yet. Lol
But I promise this super easy to make. Just chop everything up first!

*Vegetables: 2 cups of frozen hash-browns (be sure potatoes covers the bottom completely)
1/3 cup of minced red bell pepper
2 tablespoons of minced white onion
1/2 cup spinach (chopped)
3 non-dairy maple sausage patties (chopped) #MorningStar
2 sandwich cheddar cheese (chopped) 8 brown eggs
1 tablespoon of butter stick
Salt, pepper, dried onion bits, turmeric, dried parsley
Preheat oven to 350 F Spray bottom of standard cake pan, pour hash-browns evenly, season, (cut pieces of butter around potatoes, *optional)
Pour red bell pepper and onion evenly
Sprinkle chopped maple sausage and half of cheese
Wisk eggs, season, add spinach
Pour eggs evenly over platter
Place in oven 35-40 minutes or until golden , let sit for 5 minutes.