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Did you know?
33% of fourth graders achieved proficiency in reading comprehension on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), and just 17% of Black students and 21% of Hispanic students achieved proficiency compared with 42% of White students (NCES, 2022).
Donate, Sponsor, or Volunteer today to help us bridge this gap in reading!

Would you like to support diverse books and authors to communities in need? No amount is too small!
Click the Donate Link above to support!
Are you a Buisness Owner or Organization who supports diverse literacy/ events?
Email us today, by clicking the Vendor Link above for further details!

Our goals:
Free diverse literacy festivals/ events that support underrepresented communities in need
Diverse book distributions to campuses/ school classrooms
Grant opportunities for diverse author visits
With your sponsorship, we can achieve our goals and help bridge the gap in reading! Click the Sponsor Link above to learn more!

Are you passionate about books, diversity, and giving back?
Every year we need as many hands as possible to succeed!
Click the Volunteer Link above to sign up today!