Many women put having a child on the top of their “to do” list or the top of their priorities. Me however, not so much.
When my husband and I found out we were pregnant, it was definitely a life changing moment. Knowing sooner than later, our lives would never be the same. I had many obstacles throughout my pregnancy. Not with my health, or my baby, but my mentality, people giving me advice I didn’t want nor asked for, people trying to touch me, or tell me how I should be feeling or doing. I found this to be very difficult because I am a private woman and I like to handle my own battles/ challenges on my own, or just lean on my husband for support.

It’s funny, now looking back on it… my pregnancy experience was very smooth, and quite frankly, fast. Leading up to Princess Alana’s arrival, my husband and I wrote down each contraction to figure out whether we were going into labor or not; lol we had no clue, and my tolerance for pain was pretty high. I thank God for the strength and patience that I had to give birth. Not easy, but a great experience.
It’s crazy, because I actually cried! Which I don’t do often. I cried because I wanted an ALL natural birth. Towards the end of labor, I asked for an epidural. As I cried, I told my husband I felt like I had failed. My husband held my hand and looked me in the eye and said, “You're human. It’s okay. You’re always so hard on yourself, give yourself some credit! Stop being so hard on yourself!!” He was right. I am very hard on myself, all the time, no matter what. So at that moment, I let it go… I love him for that.
Another funny part… the RN finally checked to see how far I was (which was the only time she did, smh), and to my surprise I was already 10 centimeters dilated. So in actuality, I made it! I instantly felt proud. I was in labor for about eight hours or so… and Alana Amor arrived at 5:52am, Tuesday, June 19th.
I never thought I’d be so in love and protective over our baby girl, but I am! I can’t wait to see what God has for the Rodriguez’s next!!