My husband and I took a trip to Las Vegas for his very good friend. His friends wife was planning a birthday surprise, full of weekend adventures and activities. Funny part is… many couples and family members canceled 4 am the day we were set to go to Vegas (20 people or so). Pretty effed up to cancel on somebody hours before a trip, and they were only four hours away verses 3days away (4 hours plane ride) like my husband and I.
You may laugh but, my husband and I booked a packaged deal. This deal included: round-trip flight with Southwest Airlines, and a four-night stay at Circus Carnival Resorts. Let me tell you. DO NOT. I REPEAT. DO NOT. Book there. The moment you walk in, the entry way is full of smoke, trafficking scenery, hoochie peoples, etc. Also, be sure to be aware of the hotel taxes and fees in Vegas. There is an additional charge, after you have booked and paid for your room (this is charged per-day).
So we got to our room, it was “up-graded to a suite”, we waked in, and the floor was dirty, bench in front of the king bed had stains. Everything from top to bottom seemed like a setup. My husband said, “We ain’t staying here, hell no.” We didn’t know about the Circus resort, it was our first time in Vegas together, and we were just going with the flow; I was too busy thinking about other things, other than our room when we booked it. We ended up staying at the New York New York Resort and Hotel. This was much better. Probably in comparisons with Holiday Inn, Garden Inn, etc. It met our needs: clean, friendly staff, 24 hour food…

Another tip from our experience, Lyft was much quicker than Uber. Lfyt came within two or three minutes (sometimes the ride was already there upon walking to the curb), Uber came within 5-7 minutes, so we stuck with Lyft, we had places to be.

We had an idea Vegas was expensive, but not to the expense of five-dollar waters or $4.75 cup of coffee. Personally, I don’t mind the expense if the food and place is worth it. Since I am a Cook and wine connoisseur, the food was TRASH to me. We even went to Ruth Chris; which is a place that specializes in steak. It was just a basic overpriced place for steaks. My husband had a big ass rib-eye steak. His steak didn’t cut like butter. If you’ve had the chance to experience high-end steak places, your steak is supposed to cut like butter and melt in your mouth! Now that’s the steak you want, lol. But hey, that’s just our opinion and experience.
We also did the escape room experience. Since everyone canceled, it was just the four of us; which was fine, but I think it would have been more hilarious if we had more people. The experience was cool, I just had a different vision of what the escape room was all about. I thought it was going to be clue oriented; not exactly. We had to find items and try to put it together, I thought it was going to be more riddle-ish; needless to say we didn’t escape in an hour lmao. We lost.
My husband and I were jetlagged af. That time difference kicked our asses. Between switching resorts the first day to the third day in Vegas, the time difference really kicked our asses.
Let me tell you, the dispensaries for weed, Lmao, the taxes is about 20 percent on top of each item you choose to buy. But they do have anything and everything you can think of to get high: short bread cookies, chocolate, gummies (in many flavors), weed to get you horny, sleepy, hyper, etc. I wouldn’t get the chocolate, unless you plan to put it in your room right after; its 100 plus degrees in Vegas, soooo it will probably melt and you waisted your money on $40 chocolate weed.
We went to Drai’s night club expecting to see YoGotti. He didn’t perform until 2am. I was over that experience. We left literally right before he performed (we were still jetlagged and tired af). Also, online they have strict dress code regulations that is supposed to be followed or you won’t be getting in; they didn’t follow those rules at all lmao. I would have came in shorts had I known.

I think next time we’ll just see a live show or boxing at the MGM, I wasn’t impressed much; Hopefully see Jlo or Drake or Chris Brown, but it won’t be for the strip or gambling, I don’t really gamble anyway, I work too hard for my money.
I just want to thank our friends for inviting us and celebrating with them. It was really good to travel, take pictures, and bond with my husband.