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Survived Week One ✏️📓

2020 is my sixth year of teaching. This school year gives me anxiety and uncertainties to bare. I don’t know if we will end up online, or go back to teaching regularly, there’s no way to know for sure.

My educational organization decided, that teachers would model a 50/50-like style; face to face and mobile/ #virtuallearning. However, in reality, I really could have 36 in one class, 14-16 in class and the 20+ online. The first couple days were STRESSFUL and it was very hard to maneuver! Having to take both paper and digital attendances gave me a headache all day.

My first day I wore: a face shield, #mask, and hair cover; within ten minutes, I was told I couldn’t wear a shield. The funny part is, I couldn’t really breathe anyway. I just wanted to make sure I exhausted every way I could to stay safe; since I was forced to teach during a pandemic. 🤷🏾‍♀️

Some people could argue that we are now labeled as “first responders”, or that we shouldn't have a problem with #teaching in the midst of #viruses being spread, which I don’t see how? And if that is the case, we are not being compensated as such. I don’t make $80k+ and I am not a medical professional.

For my #educational peeps, I have listed a few strategies that are helping me get through. Take a look, and let me know if you have some ideas to add!

✏️🍎 Some tips I’ll use this year:

  1. Invest in a speaker (students in class & online can not hear you underneath a mask)

  2. Think “Digital”. Be sure to digitize everything, which includes quizzes.

  3. Time Launch. (Prep a head so folders can launch on their own by the day, it‘ll make your life easier in the week)

  4. Be sure mobile and face to face students write the learning objective (this allows each learning experience to be on the same page)

Pray for my safety!


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